Update: what am i doing with my blog?


Hello all, long time no see. a year and a half no see, to be precise. I am fully aware that this blog has little to no followers, and so the absence of posts was not missed. HOWEVER, I am going to begin posting on here more regularly.

The last I posted on here, I was living in Hungary, having the time of my life. Well, I returned home to Minnesota in January of 2015. So far, nothing exciting has happened. I’ve just been enjoying my junior year in high school, doing typical high-school stuff.

I always figured that after my first European stint, I would not study abroad until college. Then, I stumbled upon a program called CBYX, or the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange. Basically, it is a year-long study abroad program in Germany. The winners stay with a host family, and the government pays for nearly all the expenses. Think Fulbright, but for high-schoolers.

I wish that I could tell you that I’ve been accepted, and I’m leaving for Germany in XXX amount of days. But sadly, I’m still in the application phase. I thought that I would start blogging now, even if I don’t end up receiving the scholarship. If I do, (and I really really really hope I do), I will blog all of the adventures that will arise from that. If I don,t I may just blog certain adventures that I go on throughout the USA! I’ll update this when I have more news to share! Wish me luck!

-Lili (yes I changed the spelling from Lilly to Lili)

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